CRAVE (premiere)
6 Performances Only
What if you had changed your mind? Starr Foster Dance presents CRAVE, a new dance work presenting two different perspectives of fate. Choreographed by Starrene Foster and set to an original music by Billy Curry. Featuring work by four Richmond visual artists, whom also tested fate, Beth Beaven Jasper, Wolfgang Jasper, Doug Hayes and Fiona Ross.
Friday, February 1st 8pm (Opening Night/Artist Reception)
Saturday, February 2nd: 3pm, 5pm and 8pm
Sunday, February 3rd : 1pm and 3pm
TheatreLAB/The Basement, 300 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia
Friday February 1st @ 8pm///Saturday February 2nd @ 8pm /// Sunday February 3rd @ 1pm
Caitlin Cunningham, Kelsey Gagnon, Kierstin Kratzer, Mattie Rogers
Saturday February 2nd @ 3pm and 5pm///Sunday February 3rd @ 3pm
Fran Beaumont, Shelby Gratz, Erick Hooten, Cris Peters